Monday 16 August 2010

Anthony Green RA

It seems appropriate somehow to follow my post on the portraits of Henri Rousseau with those of an old friend of mine, Royal Academician Anthony Green. Anyone who has been to visit the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition in the last forty years can't have failed to have been struck by Anthony's highly personal portraits which are very frequently autobiographical, his subject matter almost always inspired by his relationships with his wife and family.

Anthony Green was born in 1939 and studied at the Slade School of Art, where he won the Henry Tonks Prize for drawing in 1960. This was followed by the Gulbenkian Purchase Award in 1963 and the Harkness Fellowship in the USA from 1967-69. He was elected to the Royal Academy in 1971. He is a Fellow of University College, London and serves as a Trustee of the Royal Academy.

He has experimented with irregular shaped compositions since 1966, which have on occasion progressed to freestanding 'sculptures' incorporating real objects as well as beautifully executed attention to detail. One of the most popular artists in the Royal Academy of Art Summer Exhibition each year, his paintings intrigue, amuse and enchant his many fans with their mood-enhancing sense of colour, humour and remarkable ability to capture life's events, both happy and sad, in a way that people readily identify with.

Anthony Green's work is included, among many other venues, in the public collections of the Tate Gallery, Setagaya Museum, Tokyo and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. He has also exhibited internationally in London, New York, Berlin, Tokyo, Sidney, Chicago etc. He has had over 100 one-man shows since 1962.