Friday 12 October 2012

Ashcan School - William Glackens part 4

William Glackens by Robert Henri 1904 
oil on canvas 198.1 x 96.5 cm
William Glackens (1870 - 1938) studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and later moved to New York City, where he co-founded what came to be called the Ashcan School art movement. This group of artists, dubbed by the press: "the Eight Independent Painters" or The Eight, chose to exhibit their work without pre-approval by the juries of the existing establishment. He became known for his dark-hued paintings of street scenes and daily life in the city's neighbourhoods. His later work was brighter in tone, and showed the influence of Renoir. During much of his career, Glackens also worked for newspapers and magazines in Philadelphia and New York City.

This is part 4 of a 5-part post on the works of William Glackens. For biographical notes see part 1. For earlier works see parts 1-3.

c1914 From Under Willows 
oil on canvas 64.1 x 79.4 cm

1915 Standing Girl in White Spats 
oil on canvas 74.9 x 44.4 cm

1915 Young Woman in Green

c1915-18 A Stroll in the Park 
oil on canvas 61 x 45.7 cm

c1915 Beach Umbrellas at Blue Point 
oil on canvas 66 x 81 cm

c1915 Julia's Sister 
oil on canvas 81.6 x 66.4 cm

c1915 Mother and Child in Park 
oil on panel 46 x 59 cm

c1915 Pears and Oranges in a Bowl 
oil on canvas 25.4 x 33 cm

c1915 Poppies, Lilies and Blue Flowers 
oil on canvas 45.7 x 38.1 cm

1916 Beach Umbrellas at Blue Point 
oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm

1916 North Beach Swimming Pool 
oil on canvas 73.7 x 85.1 cm

c1916 Buddha and the Maidens, a Decoration 
oil on canvas 121.9 x 76.2 cm

1917 At the Beach 
oil on canvas 46 x 61.1 cm

1917 Irene's Garden 
oil on canvas 46 x 61 cm

c1917 The Conservatory 
oil on canvas 45.7 x 61 cm

1918 Beach Scene, New London 
oil on canvas 66 x 81 cm

1918 Garden at Hartford 
oil on canvas

1918 Lenna Painting 
61 x 45.7 cm

1918 The Artist's Daughter in Chinese Costume 
oil on canvas 121.9 x 76.2 cm

c1918 Lenna Painting 
oil on canvas 31.7 x 39.4 cm

c1918 Music Hall Turn ( study ) 
oil on canvas 33 x 40.6 cm

1919 East Point, Gloucester 
50.8 x 64.8 cm

1919 The Bandstand 
oil on canvas 63.5 x 76.2 cm

c1919 Home in New Hampshire 
oil on canvas 55.9 x 81.3 cm

c1919 The Hammock 
oil on canvas 31.1 x 39.4 cm

1920 Roses and Persimmons 
oil on artist's board 33 x 40.6 cm

1920 Sheet of Studies 
crayon on paper 43.5 x 55 cm

1920 The Artist's Wife Knitting 
oil on canvas 61 x 76.2 cm

c1920 Flowers Against a Palm Leaf Pattern 
oil on canvas 41.9 x 33.7 cm

c1920 Lake Bathers 
oil on canvas 30.5 x 39.4 cm

c1920 Lenna Resting 
oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm

c1920 The Breakfast Porch 
oil on canvas 50.8 x 61 cm

1922 Lenna with Rabbit Hound 
oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm

c1922 Carl Schurz Park, New York 
oil on canvas 45.7 x 61.1 cm

1923 Ira and Lenna's Egyptian Burial Ground 
oil on canvas 33 x 40.6 cm

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Ashcan School - William Glackens part 3

William Glackens (1870 – 1938) studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and later moved to New York City, where he co-founded what came to be called the Ashcan School art movement. This group of artists, dubbed by the press "the Eight Independent Painters" or The Eight, chose to exhibit their works without pre-approval by the juries of the existing art establishment. He became known for his dark-hued paintings of street scenes and daily life in the city's neighbourhoods. His later work was brighter in tone, and showed the influence of Renoir. During much of his career as a painter, Glackens also worked as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines in Philadelphia and New York City.

This is part 3 of a 5-part post on the works of William Glackens. For biographical notes see part 1. For earlier works see parts 1-2.

1910 The Bathing Hour, Chester, Nova Scotia 
oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm

1910 The Green Car 
oil on canvas 61 x 81.3 cm

1910 Twenty-Three Fifth Avenue, Interior 
oil on canvas 49.5 x 61 cm

1910-11 Family Group 
182.9 x 213.4 cm

c1910 At the Beach, Bellport 
oil on canvas 45.7 x 61 cm

c1910 Breezy Day, Tugboats, New York Harbour 
oil on canvas 66 x 80.6 cm

c1910 City Scene 
pastel 31 x 46 cm

c1910 Descending from the Bus 
oil on canvas 63.5 x 76.2 cm

c1910 Merry Christmas ( Yuletide Revels ) 
graphite, conté crayon and watercolour on board 61.9 x 47 cm

c1910 Nude on a Red Sofa 
oil on canvas 38.2 x 30.5 cm

c1910 Skating in Central Park 
oil on canvas 63.5 x 25.3 cm

c1910 Washington Square, Winter 
oil on canvas 63.5 x 76.2 cm

1911 For the Championship of the Backlot League 
ink on paper 61 x 45.7 cm

1911 Bathing at Bellport, Long Island 
oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm

1911 Far from the Fresh Farm Air 
pencil and watercolour on paper 64.8 x 43.2 cm

1911 Mahone Bay 
oil on canvas 66.7 x 80.6 cm

1911 The Artist's Wife and Son 
oil on canvas 91.4 x 121.9 cm

c1911-12 Washington Square 
oil on canvas 63.5 x 76.2 cm

1911-16 Bellport, Long Island 
oil on canvas 45.7 x 61 cm

c1911 Girl with Green Apples 
oil on canvas 81.9 x 66 cm

1912 Christmas Shoppers, Madison Square 
crayon and watercolour on paper 44.4 x 78.7 cm

1912 March Day - Washington Square 
oil on canvas 63.5 x 76.2 cm

1912 Parade, Washington Square 
oil on canvas 66 x 78.7 cm

1912 Sledding, Central Park 
oil on canvas 58.4 x 80 cm

c1912-14 Girl Roller-Skating, Washington Square 
oil on canvas 61 x 45.7 cm

c1912 Bathers at Bellport 
oil on canvas 63.5 x 72.2 cm

c1912 Italo-American Celebration, Washington Square 
oil on canvas 66 x 81 cm

c1912 Winter, Washington Square Park 
oil on canvas 45.7 x 61 cm

1913 After Bathing, Vacation Home 
oil on cardboard 66 x 81.3 cm

1913 Bathers, Bellport, No. 1 
oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm

1913 Beach Side 
oil on canvas 66.7 x 81.9 cm

1913 The Swing 
oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm

1914 Café Lafayette ( Portrait of Kay Laurel ) 
oil on canvas 80.6 x 66 cm

1914 Lenna at One Year 
oil on canvas 38.1 x 30.5 cm

1914 Mother and Baby, Washington Square 
oil on canvas 36.2 x 44.4 cm