Friday 12 December 2014

Frederic Remington - part 7

Frederic Remington 10 cents postage stamp 1940

Frederic Sackrider Remington (1861 – 1909) was an American painter, illustrator, sculptor, and writer who specialised in depictions of the Old American West featuring depictions of Cowboys, American Indians and the U.S. Cavalry.

For more biographical notes see part 1. For earlier works see parts 1 - 6 also.

This is part 7 of a 7-part post on the works of Frederic Remington.

1911 The Song of Hiawatha continued (see part 6 also)

Note: I couldn't find dates for any of the remainder of works in this post:

n.d.  Field Drill for the Prussian Infantry

n.d.  In a Cañon of the Coeur d' Alene illustration

n.d. A Cowboy

n.d. A Cuban Tobacco Planter in his Volante

n.d. A Haircut in a Cavalry Stable 
watercolour on paper ( en grisaille ) 55.2 x 47.6 cm

n.d. A Pronghorn Antelope 
pen and ink on paper 16.2 x 34.3 cm 
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas

n.d. A Sun Fisher

n.d. An Indian Brave

n.d. An Indian Scout

n.d. Battle of Beecher's Island 
watercolour on paper 30.5 x 53.3 cm 
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas

n.d. Bringing Home the Game

n.d. Bronco Busters Saddling

n.d. Commanche on Horseback 
ink, gouache and wash on paper 46.4 x 45.1 cm 
Private Collection

n.d. Horse Study 
oil on academy board 
Frederic Remington Art Museum, Ogdensburg, New York

n.d. Horse Study 
oil on academy board 
Frederic Remington Art Museum, Ogdensburg, New York

n.d. Horse Study 
oil on canvas board 
Frederic Remington Art Museum, Ogdensburg, New York

n.d. Horse Study 
oil on canvas board 
Frederic Remington Art Museum, Ogdensburg, New York

n.d. Horse Study 
oil on canvas 
Frederic Remington Art Museum, Ogdensburg, New York

n.d. Horse Study 
oil on canvas 
Frederic Remington Art Museum, Ogdensburg, New York

n.d. Horse Study

n.d. Illustration from an oil painting Thanksgiving Dinner for the Ranch ( en grisaille )

n.d. Infantry Officer, Full Dress 
oil on canvas 35.6 x 45.4 cm 
Private Collection

n.d. Mexican Burden-Bearers - Water-Carrier and Chicken-Seller

n.d. Mubarek the Arabian Chief 
graphite, brush and wash heightened with white gouache on cream laminate board 34.9 x 44.7 cm 
Art Institute of Chicago, IL

n.d. On the Caribou Tracks 
gouache on paper 55.9 x 44.1 cm

n.d. One of the Fort Keogh Cheyenne Scout Corps - Commanded by Lieutenant Casey

n.d. Single-Handed

n.d. Supper in the Corral - also known as Camp-Fire Texas ( en grisaille )

n.d. Taking the Robe

n.d. Teaching a Mustang Pony to Pack Dead Game

n.d. The Buffalo Dance

n.d. The Buffalo Runner

n.d. The Dispatch Bearer Troop B, United States Scouts

n.d. The Gold Bug 

n.d. The Hungry Winter

n.d. The Winchester 
oil on canvas 29.2 x 72.4 cm 
Private Collection

n.d. Training Army Horses to Stand Fire

n.d. Training Army Horses to Stand Fire

n.d. West Point Riding Hall 
watercolour and gouache on board 35.6 x 50.8 cm 
Private Collection

 Chromolithographs (not dated):

n.d Old Ramon 

n.d. A Breed 

n.d. A Cheyenne Buck 

n.d. An Arizona Cowboy 

n.d. An Army Packer 
chromolithograph 50.8 x 38 cm

n.d. The Old-time Trapper 

n.d. U.S. Cavalryman 