Frans Mettes 1909-1984 was a Dutch illustrator and poster artist. Perhaps not a familiar name outside the Netherlands, Mettes was a commercial artist whose recognisable style and characteristic humour translated into advertisements of the highest quality. From political, film and public safety posters to iconic ads for well-known Dutch brands like Heineken, Droste, Hartevelt, Amstel and Boldoot, bold colours and a cartoonish flair and imagination make things spring to life in his works. As well as illustrating many advertising posters he illustrated various books and newspaper stories. Starting in January 1938 he drew a comic strip “Het Huis aan ’t Water (The House on the Water) in the Dutch newspaper De Standard (150 episodes).
This is part 2 of a 4-part series on the works of Frans Mettes:
c1950s Draka Plastic Tuinslang (Draka Plastic Garden Hose) colour lithograph poster111.7 x 81.2 cm |
c1950 Zap Heerlijk (Zap Delicious) colour lithograph poster 116 x 82.5 cm |
c1950 Word cadet bij de K.M.A. (Become a Cadet at K.M.A.) colour lithograph poster 115.5 x 83 cm |
c1950 Van Houten Melk Chocolade diè moet u proeven! (Van Houten Milk Chocolate you must taste it!) colour lithograph poster 115.5 x 83 cm |
1951 Heineken colour lithograph poster 108 x 80 cm |
1952 Hartevelt's jonge (Hartvelt's young) colour lithograph poster 110 x 80 cm |
1952 Hartevelt Citroen (Hartvelt Lemon) colour lithograph poster 11.5 x 80 cm |
1952 Fridor stofzuigers, enorm zuigkracht (Fridor vacuum cleaners, enormous suction power) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1952 Dubec Cigarettes Egyptiennes (Dubec Egyptian Cigarettes) colour lithograph poster 115.5 x 80.5 cm |
1952 Auping, Een vorstelijk bed (Auping, A royal bed) colour lithograph 54.5 x 40 cm |
1952 Van Houten Chocolade colour lithograph poster 120.5 x 85.5 cm |
1952 Van Houten Chocolade colour lithograph poster 120.5 x 85.5 cm |
1952 Taxi bel 62211 door stad en land (Taxi call 62211 through town and country) colour lithograph poster 113.5 x 81 cm |
1952 Sketch Virginia Cigarettes colour lithograph poster 117.5 x 88 cm |
1952 Hofnar nooit fijner gerookt! (Hofnar never smoked better!) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1952 Heineken het meest getapt! (Heineken the most tapped!) colour lithograph poster 115.5 x 82.5 cm |
1953 Rynbende's Nieuw Rood de Zomer in Uw glas (New red summer in your glass) colour lithograph poster 116 x 82.5 cm |
1953 Pÿn Rheumin helpt! (Pÿn Rheumin helps!) colour lithograph poster 116.5 x 83 cm |
1953 Parade Virginia altijd perfect (Parade Virginia always perfect) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1953 Dubbel op! 2 revue's op één avond (Double up! 2 reviews in one evening) colour lithograph poster 79 x 54 cm |
1953 Auping Schenkt diepe slaap (Auping gives deep sleep) colour lithograph 54.5 x 40 cm |
1953 Verenigd Europa vraagt uw stem op 17 december a.s. (United Europe asks for your vote on December 17th) colour lithograph poster 53.5 x 38 cm |
1953 Solex de vriend van 't rijwielpad (Solex the friend of the cycle path) colour lithograph poster 68 x 48 cm |
1954 fly there by KLM colour lithograph 101 x 65 cm |
1954 Doe het voor ons ga óók in de BB (Do ir for us also in the BB) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1954 Boldoot Geschenken (Boldoot Gifts) colour lithograph poster 116.5 x 83 cm |
1954 Auping een vorstelijk bed (Auping a royal bed) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1954 voel U herboren door Tonicum Noury (feel reborn with Tonicum Noury) colour lithograph poster 115 x 83 cm |
1954 Stap in de Reserve Milva in Uw vrije tijd (Step into the Reserve Milva in your spare time) colour lithograph poster 60.5 x 44.5 cm |
1954 Ouders geeft Uw zoon de ruimte Koninklijke Luchtmacht (Parents, give your don space Royal Air Force) colour lithograph poster 89.5 x 60.5 cm |
1954 Hofnar nooit fijner gerookt! (Hofnar, never smoked better!) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1955 Co-Op Thee (Co-Op tea) colour lithograph poster 116 x 82.5 cm |
1955 In Verrukkelijke Kleuren Boldoot Lipsticks (In delightful colours Boldoot Lipsticks) colour lithograph poster 116.5 x 83 cm |
1955 Boldoot Handgelei (Boldoot Hand Gel) colour lithograph poster 116.5 x 82.5 cm |
1955 AVRA Antivries Goedkoop-afdoend-onschadeelijk ( Avra Antifreeze, Cheap-adequate-harmless) colour lithograph poster 112 x 81 cm |