Friday 5 May 2017

Edward Lear - part 21

1988 UK Postage stamp issued on the centenary of Lear's death

Edward Lear (1812  - 1888) was an English artist, illustrator, musician, author and poet, and is known now mostly for his literary nonsense in poetry and prose and especially his limericks, a form he popularised. His principal areas of work as an artist were threefold: as a draughtsman employed to illustrate birds and animals; making coloured drawings during his journeys, which he reworked later, sometimes as plates for his travel books; as an illustrator of Alfred Tennyson's poems. As an author, he is known principally for his popular nonsense collections of poems, songs, short stories, botanical drawings, recipes, and alphabets. He also composed and published twelve musical settings of Tennyson's poetry.

For a full biography see part 1, and for earlier works see parts 1 - 20 also.

This is part 21 of 21- part series on the works of Edward Lear.

Undated images:

n.d. British Philae
oil on canvas 24 x 46 cm

n.d. Cefalu, Sicily
watercolour 11.5 x 18 cm

n.d. Cervara, Rome, Italy
hand-coloured lithograph

n.d. Church of the SS. Quattro Coronati, Rome
watercolour and graphite on paper 23.5 x 32.4 cm
Tate, London

n.d. Collepardo, Italy
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

n.d. Corfu from Pantaleone
watercolour on paper 18.1 x 38.2 cm
National Galleries of Scotland, UK

n.d. Delphi, Greece
watercolour 12 x 19 cm

n.d. Fountain of the Sea-Horses in the Garden of the Villa Borghese, Rome
graphite on paper 23.5 x 33.7 cm
Tate, London

n.d. Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives
pencil and watercolour heightened with white 17 x 37 cm

n.d. Landscape with a Stream and a Footbridge
watercolour over pencil on wove paper 16.4 x 32.5 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York

n.d. Lugano, Switzerland
watercolour with touches of gum arabic 12.3 x 18.6 cm

n.d. Mount Olympus, Greece
watercolour over traces of pencil 13.2 x 26.4 cm

n.d. Mt. Aeta ( from Lamia ), Greece
brush and grey wash on paper 9.5 x 14.6 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York

n.d. Olevano, Italy

n.d. Pamvotis Lake looking towards Aslan Pasha Mosque, Ioannina
watercolour and gouache over pencil 16.5 x 26 cm

n.d. Phyle Attica, Greece
watercolour and gouache heightened with gum arabic 16.5 x 26 cm

n.d. Ponte del Vecchio, Corsica
pen and black ink with wash, white gouache and graphite on paper 13.4 x 20.9 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York City

n.d. Ponte delle Maddalena, Bagni di Lucca
watercolour 16 x 25.5 cm

n.d. Porta Maggiore, Rome
gouache and watercolour on paper 23.5 x 38.4 cm
Tate, London

n.d. Rocca Giovane, Italy

n.d. S. Francesco di Paola
graphite and watercolour on paper 15.6 x 10.8 cm
Tate, London

n.d. San Miniato al Monte
graphite, watercolour and ink on paper
Tate, London

n.d. Santa Maria Della Salute from across the Bacino, Venice
watercolour over pencil heightened with touches of body-colour 11.5 x 17.5 cm

n.d. Sparta
watercolour on paper 17.1 x 37.5 cm
National Galleries of Scotland, UK

n.d. The Baths of Trajan, Rome
watercolour and graphite on paper 23.5 x 30.2 cm
Tate, London

n.d. The Dead Sea, Jordan
watercolour and body-colour, heightened with white 17.7 x 37.5 cm

n.d. The Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
pen and ink and watercolour over pencil on paper 34.9 x 50.1 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York City

n.d. The Walls of Constantinople
pencil and watercolour heightened with white 17 x 37.2 cm

n.d. Tivoli
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

n.d. Valetta, Malta
watercolour over pencil heightened with body-colour 11.3 x 18.3 cm

n.d. Via Porta Pinciana, Rome
colour lithograph

n.d. View from Monte Generoso
watercolour heightened with white on paper 17.1 x 37.5 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York City

n.d. View of Florence from San Miniato, Italy
pencil, pen and brown ink and watercolour 34.6 x 54.6 cm

n.d. View of Menton from across the Bay
pencil, watercolour and body-colour 16.5 x 26 cm

n.d. View of Mount Sinai
watercolour with some white tempera, over pencil, on cream-coloured wove paper 17.8 x 37.6 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York City

n.d. View of the Bay of Ragusa ( now Dubrovnik )
watercolour on paper 16.8 x 26.3 cm
National Galleries of Scotland, UK

n.d. Wady Halfeh, Nile, Nubia
brush and grey wash on paper 9.5 x 14.6 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York

n.d. Woman with Two Children in a Landscape
pen and brown ink with pink, blue and orange watercolour on paper 11.3 x 8.6 cm
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York City

n.d. Letter to Mrs Ellen Rawson
Letters to a patron. Ellen Rawson was married to William Henry Rawson, a wealthy banker, landowner, and prominent citizen of Halifax. She was a keen collector of the work of various living artists, and this correspondence begins after her purchase of a view of "Beirut" by Lear. 

n.d. Limerick "There was a old Archbishop of Dublin"
ink on paper 8.6 x 10.5 cm

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Edward Lear - part 20

Edward Lear (1812  - 1888) was an English artist, illustrator, musician, author and poet, and is known now mostly for his literary nonsense in poetry and prose and especially his limericks, a form he popularised. His principal areas of work as an artist were threefold: as a draughtsman employed to illustrate birds and animals; making coloured drawings during his journeys, which he reworked later, sometimes as plates for his travel books; as an illustrator of Alfred Tennyson's poems. As an author, he is known principally for his popular nonsense collections of poems, songs, short stories, botanical drawings, recipes, and alphabets. He also composed and published twelve musical settings of Tennyson's poetry.

For a full biography see part 1, and for earlier works see parts 1 - 19 also.

This is part 20 of 21- part series on the works of Edward Lear.

1880c Nonsense Alphabet:

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "A"
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "C"
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "D" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "D" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "I" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "J" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "K" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "L" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "N" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "O" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "P" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "R" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "T" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "U" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "V" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "X" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "Y" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1880c Nonsense Alphabet "Z" 
pen and indian ink 4.5 x 5.5 cm 
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London
1878-79c The Forest of Bavella, Corsica
oil on canvas 146 x 240 cm

1879 Plain of Argos from Mycenae
watercolour 29 x 52.5 cm

1884 Argos from Mycene
oil on canvas 80 x 163 cm
Trinity College, Cambridge, UK

1879c The Plains of Bethany
oil on canvas 24.1 x 47.6 cm

1881 Mahabalipooram
oil on canvas 22.9 x 45.7 cm
Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA

1882 A View of Adam's Peak, Ceylon
oil on canvas 24.7 x 47.2 cm
Government Art Collection, UK

1884 Feluccas on the NIle near Abu-Simbel
watercolour over pencil heightened with touches of body-colour 8.5 x 17 cm

1884 View of Deir Kadige, on the Nile, Egypt
pencil and watercolour 9.5 x 18.5 cm

1884-85 Avisavella, Ceylon
grey wash on wove paper, laid down on card 9.5 x 14.6 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1884-85 Figures Setting Out in Canoes from a Palm Grove ( Wady Feiran )
grey and black wash on card 9.6 x 14.7 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1884-85 Mahatta
grey wash on wove paper 9.6 x 14.6 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1884-85 River Winding through a Rock Formation ( Philae, Egypt )
grey wash on card 9.7 x 14.6 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1884-85 Tanjore, India
grey and black wash over traces of graphite on card 9.7 x 15 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1884-85 Thebes
black and grey wash over traces of graphite on card 9.7 x 14.6 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1884-85 View across a Bay ( Monaco )
grey wash and black wash on card 9.8 xx 14.7 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
 Note: The remainder of images in this series are undated.

n.d. A View of Mount Athos and the Pantokrator Monasery, Greece
oil on canvas  18 x 28 cm

n.d. A View of the Roman Campagna, a Villa and Aqueduct in the Distance
oil on canvas 19 x 39.7 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches 
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches 
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches 
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches 
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches 
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches 
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm

n.d. An Album of Sketches 
brown ink 10.4 x 16.5 cm