Thursday 15 April 2021

Jules Chéret - part 4

Jules Chéret by Jacques-Émile Blanche 1882
oil on canvas

Jules Chéret (French, 1836–1932) was a renowned painter and lithographer. Chéret was born in Paris, France, and his family was considered poor, though most of the family members had artistic leanings. At the age of 13, the artist left school and became an apprentice to a lithographer for three years. Chéret became increasingly interested in painting, and enrolled at the École Nationale de Dessin to study art. Chéret went to London to study photography from 1859 to 1866, and was greatly influenced by British Art, especially printing and poster design. 

When Chéret returned to France, he took up poster printing and made posters for different theateres, including Eldorado, the Moulin Rouge, and the Olympia. Apart from the British poster printers, Chéret was also influenced by Rococo artists, such as Antoine Watteau. The demand for Chéret’s work grew, and he started working for different outfits, such as municipal festivals, beverage companies, and even pharmaceutical companies, producing different graphic advertisements. He was given the tag Father of the Women’s Liberation when he began producing huge paintings of free-spirited females, widely known as Chérettes, which were very much in contrast to the then-prevailing norm of depicting females as puritans or prostitutes. Examples of Chéret’s paintings include L’Arc en Ciel(1893), Grand Bal Masqué (1896), and Musée Grevin, Théâtre les Fantoches(1900). 

Chéret was instrumental in the emergence of printers and poster designers in the late 1890s. He created the Maîtres de l’Affiche collection in 1895. This was a collection of reproductions from 97 Parisian artists, and the work inspired different artists, including Charles Gesmar. Chéret retired to Nice, France, when he was an old man. The French government awarded him the Légion d’honneur in 1890. He exhibited his work in different institutions, including the Louvre and the Salon, both in Paris. Chéret’s works are found in various institutions around the world, including the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan; the Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany; and The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. Jules Chéret died in Nice.

For earlier works by Chéret see parts 1 - 3 also.

This is part 4 of 7 on the works of Jules Chéret:

1890 Theatre Programme, Théâtre Libre
lithograph 26.2 x 17 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1890 Theatre Programme, Le Courrier Français
lithograph 26.2 x 17 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1890 Théâtrophone
colour lithograph 124.2 x 87.4 cm
Museum of Modern Art, New York

1890 Tous les soirs à 8h ½
Maquettes Animées de Georges-Bertrand
colour lithograph 122 x 84 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1890-95 Poudre Rocher Le Meilleur des Laxatifs
colour lithograph
Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA

c1890 Arlette Dorgère
colour lithograph

Arlette Dorgère

c1890 Female Studies
charcoal on blue paper 37.5 x 23.5 cm

c1890 Joseph Balsamo par Alexanre Dumas
colour lithograph

c1890s Dancer - Le Farandole
charcoal on paper 35.5 x 26 cm

c1890s Seated Woman
crayon on paper

c1890s Woman With Mandolin
crayon on paper 40.6 x 27.9 cm

1891 2me Exposition de Mille Dessins Originaux du Courrier Français
A  la Tour Eiffel
colour lithograph 60 x 40 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Alcazar d'Été Kanjarowa
colour lithograph 126.6 x 87.6 cm
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA

1891 Ambassadeurs La jolie Fagette
colour lithograph 126 x 90 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Ateliers de Constructions Mécaniques
Bicyclettes et Tricycles, l'Entendard Français
colour lithograph 120 x 87 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Casino de Paris, Camille Stéfani
colour lithograph 248 x 89
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Casino de Paris, Camille Stéfani
colour lithograph

1891 Cosmydor Savon, Se Vend Partout
 colour lithograph 82.5 x 56.2 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Cover for Catalogue d'Affiches Illustree
colour lithograph 30 x 39.8 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Fantasy: Columbine, Punch and clown dancing
colour lithograph 36.2 x 27.8 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Grands Magasins du Louvre, Jouets Etrennes
colour lithograph

1891 L'infamant Roman Parisien par Paul Vérola
colour lithograph 125 x 88 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 La Comédie
colour lithograph 125 x 88 cm

1891 La Danse
colour lithograph 126 x 88 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 La Musique
colour lithograph 119 x 82 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 La Pantomime
colour lithograph 125 x 88 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Le Courrier Français
colour lithograph 124 x 86 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Le Monde Artiste, Journal Illustré
two-colour lithograph 120 x 86 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Leona Dare
colour lithograph 124 x 88 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

Leona Dare

1891 Les Coulisses de l'Opéra au Musée Grévin
colour lithograph 220 x 85 cm

1891 Librairie Editions Sagot
colour lithograph 249 x 88.2 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1891 Nouveau Théâtre 15 rue Blanche Scaramouche
colour lithograph 114 x 88 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France

1891 Nouveau Théâtre La Danseuse de Corde
Pantomime Mimée par Félicia Mallet
colour lithograph 84 x 60 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

Félicia Mallet

1891 Palais de Glace Champs Elysées
colour lithograph on cream wove paper 124 x 87.9 cm
Art Institute of Chicago, IL

1891 Pastilles Géraudel
published as a supplement to Le Courier Français, January 31, 1891

1891 Pastilles Géraudel

1891 Purgatif Géraudel
colour lithograph

1891 Purgative Géraudel
colour lithograph (proof)

1891 Saxoléine Pétrole de Sûreté
colour lithograph 124.5 x 86.7 cm
Museum of Modern Art, New York

1891 Saxoléine Pétrole de Sûreté
colour lithograph 129.2 x 93.6 cm
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA

1891 Yvette Guilbert au Concert Parisien
colour lithograph 129.8 x 92.3 cm
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA

Yvette Guilbert

1891-93 Folies-Bergère L'Arc en Ciel
colour lithograph

1891-93 Folies-Bergère L'Arc en Ciel
colour lithograph (artwork)

1892 Chemins de Fer P. L. M. Auvergne
colour lithograph 125 x 79 cm

1892 Halle aux Chapeaux
Les plus Élégants pour Hommes Dames & Efants
colour lithohgraph 125 x 186.5 cm
National Gallery of Australia

1892 La Violiniste
lithograph 122 x 85 cm
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

1892 Musée Grévin
Les Pantomines Lumineuses Théâtre Optique de E. Reynaud
colour lithograph 118 x 88 cm

1892 Olympia Anciennes
Mont Agnes Russes, Boulevard des Capucines
colour lithograph 117.1 x 81.9 cm
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA