Frans Mettes 1909-1984 was a Dutch illustrator and poster artist. Perhaps not a familiar name outside the Netherlands, Mettes was a commercial artist whose recognisable style and characteristic humour translated into advertisements of the highest quality. From political, film and public safety posters to iconic ads for well-known Dutch brands like Heineken, Droste, Hartevelt, Amstel and Boldoot, bold colours and a cartoonish flair and imagination make things spring to life in his works. As well as illustrating many advertising posters he illustrated various books and newspaper stories. Starting in January 1938 he drew a comic strip “Het Huis aan ’t Water (The House on the Water) in the Dutch newspaper De Standard (150 episodes).
This is part 4 of a 4-part series on the works of Frans Mettes:
1960 royal interocean lines colour lithograph poster 100.5 x 71 cm |
1960 RAI 42e Tentoonstelling van Personenauto's (RAI 42nd Exhibition of passenger cars) colour lithograph poster 55 x 39 cm |
1960 Ook in vacantietijd verkeersveiligheid (Road safety also during holidays) colour lithograph poster 70 x 50 cm |
1960 Nuts un produit delicieux (Nuts, a delicious product) colour lithograph poster 85 x 118 cm |
1960 Nebato ons daaglijks brood in de wereld (Nebato, our daily bread in the world) colour lithograph poster 59 x 42 cm |
c1960 Politie 'n boeiend vak (Police is a fascinating profession) colour lithograph on linen 84 x 60.5 cm |
1961 Hartevelt ouwe jongens (Hartevelt old boys) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1961 Hartevelt (lemon) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1961 Droste Cacao Culinaire Capriolen (Droste Cocoa Culinary Antics) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1961 De Rijkspolitie, vraagt mannen van de daad (The National Police asks Men to take Action) colour lithograph poster 51.5 x 35 cm |
1961 Sir Richard Cigarettes, De filter die smaakt (Sir Richard Cigarettes; The Filter that Tastes) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1961 nieuwe rai personenauto's - caravans (new rai passenger cars - caravans) colour lithograph 55 x 40 cm |
1961 nieuwe tweewielers (new rai two-wheelers) colour lithograph 55 x 40 cm |
1961 Heineken het beste van het beste (Heineken the best of the best) colour lithograph poster 115.5 x 82 cm |
1962 apparatuur voor het moderne huis (equipment for the modern house) colour lithograph 58 x 40 cm |
1962 de nieuwe Arendsoog nummer 29 (the new Arendsoog Number 29) colour lithograph poster 117.5 x 82.5 cm |
1962 Chief whip op ieders lip! (Chief Whip on everyone's lips!) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1963 Hartevelt, een kostelijke oude (Hartevelt, a precious old one) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1963 Hartevelt Citroen, pik er eentje! (Hartevelt Lemon, pick one up) colour lithograph poster 116.5 x 83 cm |
1964 Heineken het meest getapt! (Heineken tapped the most!) colour lithograph on cardboard 61 x 46 cm |
1964 Hartevelt, daar zit zit U goed mee (Hartevelt, you're fine with that) colour lithograph poster 115,5 x 82 cm |
1964 Boldoot, Koninklijk Verzorgd (Boldoot, Royal Care) colour lityhograph poster 116.5 x 83 cm |
1966 Hartevelt de nationale jonge (Hartevelt the national youngster) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1966 Hartevelt Citroen (Hartevelt Lemon) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1967 Hartevelt Zie troen! (Hartevelt 'lemon'!) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1967 Elisabeth, 10 Basjes 1.10 colour lithograph poster 117 x 82.5 cm |
1968 margriet colour lithograph poster 113.5 x 81 cm |
1971 Veiligheid een kwestie van Samenwerking (Safety is a matter of cooperation) colour lithograph poster 70 x 50 cm |
1971 Stadsschouwburg Eindhoven fons jansen kwartetten (City theatre Eindhoven fons jansen quartets) colour lithograph poster 73.5 x 53 cm |
1971 Hartevelt, geef 'm de ruimte (Hartevelt, gives him space) colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1972 Blanche Mild Super Kings clour lithograph poster 118 x 83 cm |
1973 Concertgebouw, Stan Kenton (Concert Hall, Stan Kenton) two-colour lithograph poster 116 x 83 cm |
1974 seuls les chats retombent toujours sur leurs pattes (only cats always land on their feet) mono-colour lithograph poster 60 x 41.5 cm |
1975 Hartevelt, iets goeds onder de boom (Hartevelt, something good under the tree) colour lithograph 57 x 40 cm |
1980 Fons Jansen, zullen we handhaven colour lithograph poster 118 x 83 cm |
n.d. Harteveld sjonge jonge colour lithograph 34.3 x 26.2 cm |
n.d. Nú Beverol anti-fries (Beverol anti-freeze) original artwork for a poster gouache 81 x 59 cm |