Thursday 31 May 2012

Japanese graphics from the 1920s - 30s

Images from "Modernism on Paper: Japanese Graphic Design of the 1920s-1930s" published in 2003 by Rikuyosha:

1926 The Advertising World 
magazine cover

1927 Affiches 
magazine cover

1928 Kyoto Grand Expostion to Commemorate the Showa Imperial Coronation

1928-29 "May 1" 
film poster by Hiromu Hara

1930 'Young Miss ( Ojo-san )' 
film poster

1930 Buy Domestic 

1930 Fuji Weekly cover

1930 Reijin sheet music cover

1931 NAPF ( Nippona Artista Proleta Federacio ) 
magazine cover

1931 magazine ad for 'Seshun Zukai' movie

1931 Nikke business clothing 
poster by Gihachiro Okayama

1933 Grand Nagoya Festival 
poster by Kenkichi Sugimoto

1933 The Advertising World magazine cover

1934 Nippon magazine cover

1935 Nippon magazine cover

1935 Poster for Tokyo Construction Fair

1936 Nikke socks and knitwear 
poster by Gihachiro Okayama

1936 Nippon magazine cover

1936 Poster for the Olympic Games in Tokyo by Hiromu Hara
 ( cancelled due to war )

1937 Nikke Coat poster by Gihachiro Okayama

1937 Nikke socks and knitwear 
poster by Gihachiro Okayama

1937 Nikke summer clothing 
poster by Gihachiro Okayama

1938 Poster for 1940 Grand International Exposition of Japan
 ( cancelled due to war )

Poster design by Shujiro Shimomura


  1. I love the ones near the top that look like Art Deco Soviet propaganda. A few are reminiscent of old sheet music covers. Do you have any old Japanese sheet music?
    Wonderful gallery; thank you.


    1. No, no old Japanese sheet music unfortunately. Thank you for your comments.

  2. Very intresting blog, i'm intressted by art too, come check my blog, i did a painting myself.. let me think what you think.. :)

    1. Interesting colourful 'vortex' in your painting, thank you for sharing and good luck with your painting.

  3. Thrilled to see this work. Very glad to now be aware of your blog.


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