The Dutch have been producing quite high quality advertising posters from about the 1870s to the present day. I've managed to source so many that I will post these in two series: Posters from 1875 to 1935, and at a later date a series of posters from 1875 to 1987. Individual artists biographical notes given where found.
This is part 3 of 7 parts on Dutch Posters 1875-1935:
1900-25 Maagpoeder van Apotheker Boom Artist: D.H. Kramer |
1900-25 Madneze poetspasta Artist: Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 Maggi's Bouillon-Blokjes |
1900-25 Melkeiwitprodukten voor Pluimvee |
1900-25 Moeder waarom stemt u nooit? Artist: Johan Gabriëlse |
Johan Gabriëlse (1881-1945) Dutch illustrator and painter born in Zeeland, died in a Japanese internment camp in the Dutch East Indies. Studied at the National School for Teachers and at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam. Well known for his illustrations of Indonesia for Dutch school books as well as wall prints published by Wolters from Groningen. He also is remembered for his sketches of life in the Japanese camps during WW II. Some of his work is kept at the Dutch Museum in The Hague.
1900-25 Molenaar's Kindermeel |
1900-25 'n Kwartje voor de meid Artist: Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 N.V. "Kynos" Hondenbroodfabriek Nijmegen |
1900-25 N.V. v-h Meijer & Couvée Cartonnagefabriek Amsterdam Artist: Arnold van Roessel |
1900-25 Nederlandsche Automobieltentoonstelling |
1900-25 Ontwikkeling |
1900-25 Olympic Rubber Co. Artist: Louis Raemaekers
Louis Raemaekers (1869 – 1956) was a Dutch painter and editorial cartoonist for the Amsterdam newspaper De Telegraaf during WWI, noted for his anti-German stance. He achieved his greatest successes outside his native country. He left for London in November 1915, where his work was exhibited in the Fine Art Society on Bond Street. It was received with much acclaim. Raemaekers became an instant celebrity and his drawings were the talk of the town: ‘they formed the subject of pulpit addresses, and during two months, the galleries where they have been exhibited have been thronged to excess. From early 1915 Raemaekers' cartoons had already appeared in British newspapers and magazines. He settled in England in 1916. In early 1916 he signed a contract with the Daily Mail and his cartoons appeared in the newspaper on a regular basis for the next two years.
1900-25 Oliefabriek Delft, Deltfsche Slaolie |
1900-25 O! Erica mijn liefste. Schoencrème |
1900-25 Nu eèrst 'n kopje geurige thee van Pannekoek en V-d Kooy |
1900-25 Nitrix Biscuits, Lina vanille, Leiden |
1900-25 Nijverheidstentoonstelling in de Vereeniging te Rotterdam |
1900-25 Nieuw Holland Artist: Arnold van Roessel |
1900-25 Neerlandsch... Roem!!! |
1900-25 Nederlandsche Kroon Rijwielen
1900-25 Peijnenburg's Brabantsche Koekfabrieken, Geldrop Artist: Piet van der Hem |
1900-25 Perridon's gunstig bekende Reclame-Anthraciet Artist: Arnold van Roessel |
1900-25 Philips Lampen |
1900-25 Plaatselijke Keuze Artist: Piet van der Hem |
1900-25 Poets uitsluitend met Globe Poetsextrakt |
1900-25 Pracht Glans! Artist: Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 Providentia |
1900-25 Pst pst Pst Revue. Salon des Variétés |
1900-25 Pygmalion van Bernard Shaw Artist Piet: van der Hem |
1900-25 Quo Vadis? Artist: Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 Reist naar het Zeestrand per HIJSM Artist: Willy Sluiter |
1900-25 Robert, Bertram & Comp Artist: Arnold van Roessel |
1900-25 Rotino Toast-Biscuit Artist: Jan Rinke
Jan Rinke (1863-1922) Dutch painter. |
1900-25 Salon de Caricatures Artist: Pol Dom |
Pol Dom (1885 Antwerp -1978 The Hague) was a versatile Belgian artist. After his education at the Academy in Antwerp Pol Dom became multi-faceted artist, but was best know as a graphic artist. He belonged to the “Vlamingen” whom established themselves in The Netherlands for a short or long time - The Dutch cultural atmosphere was much more open and progressive than in Belgium around 1910 - In 1909 he spent a year in Laren, after which he stayed in Brussels till 1914 when he and many other Belgian refugees sought refuge in The Netherlands - From 1914 to 1916 Pol Dom spent time in Laren once again - In 1927 he finally settled in The Hague - In 1936 he acquired the Dutch nationality.
1900-25 Serieweek, Vroom & Dreesmann |
1900-25 Simplex, Snel, Sterk Artist: Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig |
Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig (1866 Amsterdam - 1915 Laren) was a Dutch painter and Theosophist. He was one of the first artists who introduced luminism to the Netherlands. His formal artistic training began at the Quellinusschool from 1881 to 1883, followed by five years at the Rijksacademie. This was followed by a year in Paris at the Académie Julian and the Atelier Cormon.
Initially, he painted in the style of Amsterdam Impressionism but, while in Paris, came under the influence of Vincent van Gogh and Georges Seurat and adopted Pointillism.
A permanent exhibition of his paintings, drawings and lithographs was established at the Singer Museum in 1981.A street is named after him in the Overtoomse Veld neighbourhood of Amsterdam; an area which features streets named after 19th- and 20th-century Dutch painters.
1900-25 Sinalco |
1900-25 Sint Lucas Jubileum Tentoonstelling |
1900-25 Smith's Mokka & Cream Toffee Artist: Arnold van Roessel |
1900-25 Solar Rijwiellamp |
1900-25 Solar Schoencrême Artist Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 Specialiteiten Artist: Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 Stadion Blauw-Wit Artist: Arnold van Roessel |
1900-25 Straatbiljetten Artist: Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 t Café-tje Artist: Piet van der Hem |
1900-25 Ten Gate's Five o'clock Tea Artist: Jan Kreunen
Jan Kreunen (1892 Haarlem -1918) Graphic designer and textile artist. |
1900-25 Tentoonstelling Muiderslot |
1900-25 Sted. Museum te Amsterdam Tentoonstelling |
1900-25 Ter Wee's thee. Zaandam Artist: Jan Rot |
1900-25 Tip Top schoencream Artist: Charles Verschuuren Sr. |
1900-25 Turnfeest K.D.O. Artist: Louis de Leeuw |
Louis de Leeuw Figure and Landscape painter, caricaturist and lithographer.
1900-25 Reinigt en Verft Teglijkertijd Artist: F.H. Warren (British artist) |
1900-25 Uitgeslotenen van het Kiesrecht Artist: Leendert Jordaan |
Leendert Jordaan was a a Dutch cartoonist at the beginning of the twentieth century, lived and worked in Amsterdam until 1961, and then moved to Zelhem. He was a political caricaturist and illustrator, whose work was published in many magazines and newspapers, such as De Notenkraker, Vrij Nederland, Het Parool and De Groene Amsterdammer.
1900-25 Uitverkoop |
1900-25 Van Dale's Woordenboeken der Nederlandsche Taal. Artist: Willy Sluiter |
1900-25 Van den Toorn's Mineraalwater & Limonadefabriek, Rozengracht |
1900-25 Van Houten's Cacao |
1900-25 Venus Tyres Artist: F.G. Schlette |
1900-25 Verboden Toegang Artist: Louis Raemaekers |
1900-25 Verkade's waxine nachtlicht Artist: D.H. Kramer |
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