The Dutch have been producing quite high quality advertising posters from about the 1870s to the present day. I've managed to source so many that I will post these in two series: Posters from 1875 to 1935, and at a later date a series of posters from 1875 to 1987. Individual artists biographical notes given where found.
This is part 7 of 7 parts on Dutch Posters 1875-1935:
(Note: Caption uploads playing up again - a fault in the programming).
1925-50 Pander |
1925-50 Triomf der Techniek (Philips Radio) |
1925-50 Philips Radio |
1925-50 Sinajada |
1925-50 't Grootste Aantal Kopjes Schenkt Van Nelle's Gebroken Thee |
1925-50 Tentoonstelling van Nederlandsche Ontwerpen van een Volkenbondspaleis te Genève |
1925-50 Van Nelle's Gemalen Koffie |
1925-50 Zomer-Verkoop Tentoonstelling |
1925-50 Maggi's Soepen in Tabletten |
1926 Weldadigheids-postzegels voor het Kind |
1926 "Cleveland-Six" Garage- Anchelon |
1927 Kinderpostzegels Artist: Tjipke Visser |
Tjipke Visser (1876 Works, Netherlands -1955 Bergen, Netherlands) was actually a Dutch sculptor. His work was part of the sculpture event in the art competition at the 1936 Summer Olympics. Visser's work was included in the 1939 exhibition and sale: One Kunst van Heden (Our Art of Today) at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
1927 Nederlandsche Spoorwegen |
1927 Pas Op! Veilig Verkeer Artist: Klaas Vegter |
Klaas Vegter: Artist known for woodcuts, lithographs, and watercolours.
1927 Wordt Wakker! Artist: Albert Hahn Jr. |
1928 Bimsbeton-Daken Artist: Machel Wilmink |
1928 Corso Vanaf 10 Februari 1928 |
1928 Internationale Zwemwedstrijden Artist: Bernard van Vylymen |
1928 KLM Air Express |
1928 Kon. Ned. Ind. Luchtvaart. My. |
1928 Vite Jean, Papa attend son Tabac Van Nelle |
1928-33 Van Nelle's Pakjes Koffie |
1929 International Arbeiders-Sportfeest Artist: Albert Hahn Jr. |
1929 S.D.A.P. Eischt Staatspensioen Artist: Albert Hahn Jr. |
1929 SDAP Kiest Rood |
Schilders |
1929-31 Bevrijdt uw Geest Artist: Signed "Huib de Ru" |
Huibery Antonie Ravenswaay (1891-1972) Dutch poet, painter and writer. Ravenswaaij was born in Gorinchem as a son of Marcus Ravenswaaij and Jenneke van Andel. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rotterdam, where he was taught by Huib Luns, Frederik Nachtweh, and Alexander van Maasdijk. His paintings include landscapes. Still kites, and portraits. In addition to being a painter, he was active as a Lithographer, poet, and art critic.
He is the father of sculptor Marcus Ravenswaaij and painter Rozina Ravenwaaij. He died at the age of 81 in Lisse and was buried in a family grave at the Old General Cemetery in Gorinchem.
1929-32 Van Nelle's - Pakjes- Koffie |
1930 Advokaat |
1930 Dietsch Academische Leergang Artist: Eppo Doeve |
Eppo Doeve (1907 Bandung, Indonesia -1983 Netherlands) was an Indonesian illustrator and cartoonist who spent his youth in his home country under Dutch colonial rule, but most of his adulthood in the Netherlands. He was a political cartoonist and illustrated numerous book covers, advertisements and Dutch banknotes, Doeve also gained a high reputation as a painter.
1930 The Matter is the Future of Your Child Artist: Fré Cohen |
Frederika Sophia (Fré) Cohen (1903 – 1943) was a Dutch artist and graphic designer, born in Amsterdam, the oldest daughter of diamond cutter Levie Cohen, a member of the Social-Democrat Jewish community in Amsterdam. Like many other diamond workers Levie Cohen was often out of work. Therefore, the Cohen family moved to Antwerp where there was more work in the diamond business. After the outbreak of the Great War in 1914, the family returned to Amsterdam.
Initially, as a self-educated artist, Cohen worked in her own personal and easily recognisable style, influenced by Art Deco and the strong lines and basic colours of De Stijl, used more for decoration than for function, comparable with the Amsterdan School of architecture. Starting in 1924, when she was 21, Cohen started taking part-time lessons at the Quellinusschool in Amsterdam. From 1927 to 1929, with a grant, she was able to follow lessons on a daily basis. She graduated with a Medal of Honour (the first ever in the Quellinusschool's history). After completing her education, her work became more varied and had a lighter tone.
1930 Vara Artist: Jan Rot |
1930 Verloting Alg. Ondersteuningsfonds voor Toonkunstenaars Artist: J. Sjollema |
Johan Sybo Sjollema (1900 Groningen, Netherlands - 1990 Scharten, Netherlands) lithographer, painter, water-colourist and printmaker.
1930 Winkler Prins Artist: Johan von Stein |
Johann Anton Willebrord von Stein (1886-1965) studied in Delft and became Head of Design Studio at Drukkerij Rotagravure in Leiden, where he designed, among other things, posters and programs. Von Stein has also designed a lot for the weekly "De Reclame". In addition to his work for Rotagravure and weekly "De Reclame," he was best known as an art and portrait painter. Clients for designing posters were, for example, Philips, AVRO, ANWB, Avifauna and the municipality of Naarden. He is also known for his Rotterdam Lloyd posters, which are still available everywhere as reproductions.
1930-35 Geen Alcohol op den Weg! Artist: Harmsen van Beek |
Harmsen van Beek (1897 Amsterdam, Netherlands -1953 Blaricum, Netherlands) was a Dutch illustrator and commercial artist. Abroad, he is best remembered for his illustration of Enid Blyton’s “Noddy” books.
1930-35 Hollandsche Kunstenaarskring Artist: Matthieu Wiegman |
Matthieu Wiegman (1886 - 1971) Dutch artist.
1930-40 Brabantsche Koekfabrieken Artist: S. Schram de Jong |
Synco Schram de Jong (1910-1984 Briges) Dutch artist, Painter, illustrator and muralist.
1930-40 Drink Louter Kabouter |
1930-40 Helpt Artist: H. Molenaar |
Heinrich August Molenaar (1909 Kochel am See -) German/Dutch illustrator, water-colourists Draughtsman and architect.
1930-40 Kalk Salpeter I.G. moet mij helpen Artist: Johan von Stein |
1930-40 Naar Loonenden Arbeid voor ons Volk. R.K.Staatspartij |
1930-40 Pap van "De sierkan" |
1930-40 Pope (gloeilampen) |
1930-40 Volksuniversiteit 's-Gravenhage Secretariaat Hooge Nieuwstraat 4a |
c1930 Winter Cruises The Glorious West Indies Artist: Piet van der Hem |
1930s Schilders Vragen uw Aandacht Artist: Jo Linssen |
1931 T.T. Artist: Daan de Vries |
1931 Eagle Thermosflesschen Artist: Jan Lavies |
Jan Lavies (1902-2005) Dutch illustrator.
1931 Kiest Communisten |
1931 T.T. Zaterdag 11 Juli 1931 Groote Prijs van Nederland |
1932 Boekenweek Artist: J. Sjollema |
1932 Royal Cinema Sorso Kameradschaft Artist: Kees van der Laan |
Kees van der Laan (1903-1938) spent three formative years in Paris, 1924-1927, a time when French Art Deco was flourishing. His Art Deco sensibilities were further reinforced when, back in Holland, he encountered Cassandre's work for Dutch clients. Van der Laan's later posters reflect his versatility with the airbrush and an affinity for transportation in the Machine Age.
1932 De Fakkel een Dagblad Artist: Meijer Bleekrode
Meijer Bleekrode (1896 Amsterdam - 1943 Sobibór, Poland); Dutch graphic artist, graphic designer, political draftsman, painter, designer, etcher, lithographer and bookbinder designer. He was the son of Benjamin Bleekrode, diamond cutter, and Regina Boekman.
After training in the diamond profession, he decided to become an artist. He studied at the Institute for Applied Arts in Amsterdam between 1922 - 1923, and from 1923 the Rijksnormaalschool for Applied Arts in Amsterdam.
In August 1942, the Bleekrode family had to report to the Hollandsche Schouwburg in Amsterdam, a collection point for Jews for transport to Westerbork. The Bleekrodes then went into hiding. The children survived the war, but Bleekrode and his wife were caught. In 1943 they were deported to Sobibór, where they were killed on 23 April immediately after arrival.
1932 Nationale Luchtvaartschool |
1932 Nebo Nederlandsche Bouwtentoonstelling Artist: Carlo Jung |
1932 Palais d'Attraction Exposition Universelle Artist: Joop van den Berg |
Joop van den Berg (1897-1985) Dutch illustrator, water-colourist, print-maker and sculptor.
1932 Postzegels, Briefkaarten voor het Kind Artist: J. Sjollema |
1933 Het Product der Middenstandsbakkerij |
1933 Jubileum Tentoonstelling 1903-1933 |
1935 Automobiel - en Motorrijwiel - Tentoonstelling |
1935 Den Nieuwen dag Tegemoet |
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